Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thing #23

Number 23?! I can't believe it! I guess all good things must come to an end!

I have really enjoyed working through this program. I have learned tons of valuable information that can help me in the library and information for me to pass on to the classroom teachers.

My favorite discovery?
One of my favorite discoveries was on Glogster. I was vaguely familiar with the tool before 23 Things, but I was able to experiment and learn more about it during this program. I have used Glogster with my students and am also planning to use it to present information to my fellow library classmates in a couple of weeks!

Affected my lifelong learning goals?
Completing this program has brought to my attention what forms of technology our students are using every day. If we as educators are going to engage students in their learning, then we must understand and implement these kinds of technology into their learning.

Unexpected outcomes?
I was absolutely DREADING Thing #21 on podcasting/video casting. I was surprised how much I enjoyed seeing the completed assignment. I know that I will take what I have learned from this assignment and find a way to use it in the library with my students. Not only is it a lot of fun, but you feel such a sense of accomplishment with the final product.

Do Differently?
I don't think there is anything that needs to be improved upon. I think the program does a great job at introducing the different kinds of technologies out there. It's up to US to take what we have learned and implement it with our students.

How would I describe my learning experience in ONE WORD?


  1. congratulations on completing your journey. I hope you will share some of your plans by adding info to your blog from time to time. Isn't it great when something like PS sounds imposing and turns out to a be a fun learning expereince!

  2. I have viewed your blog many times over the semester and I have really enjoyed what you have to say. I hope you keep it active and continue to post new things. Great job.
