Saturday, February 6, 2010

Thing #7

Who knew Google had so many useful applications! With iGoogle, you can customize your homepage to include various personal gadets. My homepage includes news, temperature, quotes, and humor. Check it out!

One feature of iGoogle that is very useful to education is that you can add tabs to your homepage. For example, you could create a tab and have various pertinent information on that subject located under that tab. I created an Education tab that displays the top-selling children's books, 20th century poet quotes, a word game, and various other educational news related information.

Another beneficial application through Google is Google Advanced Search. This allows the user to customize their search by choosing things such as: topic, file format, language, how many records on a page, etc. As an educator, I am constantly looking for PowerPoints on different topics. Using Google Advanced Search, I was able to find many PPTs on author's purpose without having to scroll through pages and pages of results that do not meet my criteria.

One of my favorite things about Google is the creativity that the staff displays with their Google logos. Keep the vampire theme going, Google! v-v

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